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Found 39733 results for any of the keywords automatic shore. Time 0.009 seconds.
Automatic Shore / IRHD hardness testing systemNextGen is proud to present our German line of automatic shore / IRHD hardness testing systems for ease-of-use and exceptional accuracy.
DIN Abrasion Tester for your quality control needsNextGen offers new and used DIN abrasion testers for sale in your local market. Advanced, user-friendly DIN abrasion tester. Used and refurbished models available. Learn more here...
Rotary Abrasion Tester Single Dual Wheel - NextGen Material TestingGenRotary is NextGen s Rotary Abrasion Tester that is widely used to evaluate wear resistance of various materials.
Special Offers - NextGen Material TestingCheck out NextGen s special offers for your quality control equipment needs. Call 1-888-332-3582 or e-mail
Metal Testing Equipment - NextGen Material TestingNextGen offers a full scope of metal testing equipment including hardness testing, metallography, tensile testing, impact testing and more in North America
Metal Hardness Testers - NextGen Material TestingNextGen offers a full range of metal hardness testing systems including VIckers, Rockwell, Brinell and portable hardness testing solutions.
Metallography Sample Preparation Equipment - NextGen Material TestingNextGen offers a full scope of metallography sample preparation equipment including cutting, grinding, mounting and microscopy.
Tensile Sample Preparation Equipment - NextGen Material TestingNextGen offers industry leading tensile sample preparation equipment for both flat and round tensile dog bone specimens
Universal Testing Machines - NextGen Material TestingNextGen offers cost-effective Universal Testing Machines to test multiple properties such as tensile, compression, flexure, tearing, bending and more.
Micro Vickers and Knoop Hardness Tester - Standard and DigitalNextGen Micro Hardness testers provide solutions for Vickers and Knoop hardness testing with micro loads ranging from 10gf to 1kgf.
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